Three Chinese Love Songs, by Bright Sheng

I. Blue Flower

Golden thread and blue thread,

They are so pretty,

Just like the beaufirul girl,

Her name is Blue Flower.

II. At the Hillside Where Horses Are Running

At the hillside where horses are running,

Right above it is the beautiful cloud,

Which shine over

The city of Kang-Ding.

So pretty is

The girl from Lee’s family,

So much in love with her is

The boy from Zang’s family.

III. The Stream Flows

The rising moon shines brightly,

It reminds me of my love in the mountains.

Like the moon, you walk in the sky,

As the crystal stream flows down the mountain.

The rising moon shines brightly,

It reminds me of my love in the mountains

A clear breeze blows up the hill,

My love, do you hear I am calling you?


Take This Job and… by Evan Mack, World Premier Recording